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Find a male incontinence specialist in your area

Find an incontinence specialist in your area to find your best fix for incontinence.


This website is compiled by Boston Scientific (“BSC”) as a reference tool for locating or identifying certain physicians. The physicians included in this database are those who have used and are familiar with BSC products that treat male urinary incontinence. This database may not include all physicians that use or have used BSC’s products. Similarly, this database does not include all physicians who practice in the field of Prosthetic Urology. No physician has been paid or received a fee to be included in our database.

BSC does not verify or monitor the license, credentials, accreditations, or qualifications of any physician listed in the database, and is not responsible for the medical advice of the physicians included in this database. BSC is not responsible and shall not be liable to you or others for any decision made or action taken by you in reliance on this information obtained from this database.

Inclusion of a physician in the database does not mean that BSC endorses or recommends such physician. Similarly, the fact that a physician is not included in the database does not mean that physician is not qualified. 

The results are provided by proximity (when searching by zip code).

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