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Patient stories

Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) affects many men’s lives. In the videos on this page, you will learn how men like you have found treatment options.

Find your happiness, restore your normalcy, and renew your confidence

Incontinence may occur after prostate cancer surgery or pelvic trauma. Dr. Allen Morey helps men and their partners find answers to questions about treating incontinence and discover available treatment options for bladder leakage.

SUI after prostate cancer

Preparing for the side effects after prostate cancer surgery

Roy was told his leakage after surgery wasn’t bad, but he constantly worried about always having enough pads with him. He soon realized that any amount of leakage is too much.

Effects after prostate cancer surgery may change your life

Living with incontinence can have significant impacts on your life. Herschel realized that incontinence was not his fault and made the decision to not let it control his life.

Side effects after prostate cancer surgery

Fabio wishes he would’ve had someone to talk to about his impotence and incontinence after surgery.

Living with SUI

Having incontinence requires extra planning

Bob planned out his days hour by hour to manage the effects incontinence had on his day-to-day life.

Incontinence can negatively impact your life

Brad realized his incontinence was a source of anxiety and embarrassment in social situations.

Don’t let incontinence limit your daily life

Incontinence isn’t something you have to live with; there are options to let you live a normal life.

Searching for treatment options

Hearing about treatments can help you start your journey to find a treatment option

Roy attended a men’s health seminar where he realized he was not the only one with bladder leakage.

Treatment options for incontinence are out there

Brad suffered for two years with incontinence before he discovered there was a treatment option for him.

Bladder leakage may cause extra stress

Fabio tried the coping options his doctor recommended, but when nothing worked, it created stress.

If you don’t tell your doctor, he won’t know

The sooner you address your incontinence with your doctor, the sooner they will be able to help you.

Finding a treatment option

The right treatment makes a big difference

Brad’s treatment made a big difference in his social life and improved his overall quality of life.

Solutions that give you your life back

If it weren’t for Barry’s treatment choice, he wouldn’t be able to carry on his normal lifestyle.

Life is about more than your incontinence

Fabio is able to go anywhere he wants and attributes his happiness to the treatment option he chose.

Options to make you confident and comfortable

Herschel found an option that allowed him to do the things he wanted to do again with confidence.

Caution: U.S. Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: These materials are intended to describe common clinical considerations and procedural steps for the use of referenced technologies but may not be appropriate for every patient or case. Decisions surrounding patient care depend on the physician’s professional judgment in consideration of all available information for the individual case.  Boston Scientific (BSC) does not promote or encourage the use of its devices outside their approved labeling. Case studies are not necessarily representative of clinical outcomes in all cases as individual results may vary.

This material is for informational Purposes only and not meant for medical diagnosis. This information does not constitute medical or legal advice, and Boston Scientific makes no representation regarding the medical benefits included in this information. Boston Scientific strongly recommends that you consult with your physician on all matters pertaining to your health.

The physician featured in these videos is a consultant of Boston Scientific and was compensated for their participation in these videos.

The patients featured in these videos were compensated for their travel and/or time.